Studying System
1. The university follows the system of credit hours, which provides students with the opportunity to choose materials from outside their field of specialization to develop their culture in addition to a specific number of credit hours required in the field of specialization.
2. The accredited hour is one class lecture per week and 50 minutes for a period of (16) weeks. The hours of practical materials and training are evaluated on the basis that the approved hour is equivalent to (3) actual hours in the laboratory, unless the nature of the other material requires at least two laboratory hours or two training hours in any case.
Academic Year
1. The academic year consists of two semesters of 16 weeks each, including the period of examinations, holidays and public holidays.
2. The summer semester consists of (8) weeks of study, including the period of examinations and public holidays. Study in the summer semester is optional for all students except for students of colleges that require compulsory summer study.
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